Blog: Are AI Text Generators Changing the Content Marketing Landscape?

Can you feel it? The entire content marketing landscape is shifting. New AI technology, powered by machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), is making it possible for writers to generate content at scale – faster than ever before.

Now, I did say that writers are able to write faster. AI is great, but it’s a tool not a replacement for human writers. AI text generators help writers produce more content more quickly, but don’t be fooled, there’s still a lot of serious editing work that needs to be done before content is ready for the internet.

So let’s talk about this techno revolution and the impact it’s having on the content marketing industry (aka: human writers, like me).

FACT: AI Improves Efficiency and Productivity

AI text generators can produce a ton of content in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer. But is that actually a good thing? Doesn’t quick work mean sloppy work? In the past, maybe … probably. But not necessarily today.

AI is a robot. A computer brain. It has the ability to quickly generate articles, blog posts, and marketing copy in seconds rather than hours, or even days. Is the copy any good? I’ll tell ya, it’s not bad. Sure, it needs a human touch, but fact-checking and editing take a lot less time than researching and writing from scratch.

If we, as writers, embrace the technology, it means we can generate scalable content strategies that are more dynamic and engaging – without charging a fortune.

MYTH: Anyone with Access to AI Can be a Writer

Um, that’s a big fat “NO!” Here’s a clip of AI-generated content that I haven’t touched:

The rise of AI text generators is democratizing content creation by making it more accessible to individuals and small businesses that may not have the resources to hire professional writers. This technology levels the playing field, allowing anyone with access to an AI text generator to produce quality content that can compete with larger entities.

This particular tool is blowing smoke up its own proverbial butt by claiming that anyone can produce quality content. Not true. AI has a certain way of writing – almost like its own inflection. The problem there is that when thousands of people start publishing AI-written articles, they are all going to sound alike. And, as we know, if your content isn’t unique, you’re not going to rank in Google and you’re not going to convert readers into customers. Period.

Check this out:

AI text detector

Another reason that AI-written articles are only as good as their human editors is this:

Fake writers

Sounds like they got a tad lazy … and someone noticed. Duh! Of course someone noticed. You can’t publish this (below) and call it “quality human generated content”:

low-quality volleyball article

To give credit where credit is due, however, the publisher did clearly explain that the content was written by a 3rd party and that they had absolutely no hand in creating it whatsoever:

3rd party content disclaimer

That’s fine and dandy, but they lost all credibility with that statement in my mind. What do you think?

FACT: AI is Improving But it’s Not Quite There Yet

While AI text generators are improving, there’s still a gap between AI-generated content and content that benefits from the human touch. AI can produce grammatically correct and generally coherent text, but it typically lacks the depth, creativity and emotional tone that a human writer can express.

That said, as AI algorithms continue to learn and evolve, the quality of AI-generated content will no doubt continue to rise. In fact, some are already testing out new tools that give you customization options to better match a brand’s voice and style. Stay tuned, we’ll be watching this evolution closely …

MYTH: SEO Optimization is Better Than Ever with AI

Here’s another clip generated from an AI-text generator:

AI text generators are often equipped with SEO capabilities, ensuring that the content they produce is optimized for search engines. This can be a significant advantage for businesses looking to improve their online visibility and attract organic traffic. By analyzing keywords and search trends, AI can help create content that is more likely to rank well on search engine results pages.

This time I’m focused more on the need for fact-checking AI-generated content. I’ve spent more than 23 years in the SEO copywriting space, and I can tell you that this statement is about as simplistic as they come. Yes, AI writers have some ability to include keyword phrases in the copy it generates. But if you know anything about SEO, you know that keywords are a mere fraction of the overall SEO picture.

Getting ranked in search engines is more about executing a comprehensive strategy than it is about cranking out content for the sake of content. You can’t create the right content without the help of a content strategist. And if you’re not creating the right content, it won’t rank in the SERPs.

What’s even more important to note, however, is that if you’re not creating the right content, at the right time, on the right channels, you’re just spinning your wheels. I’ve been saying it for over 20 years and I’ll keep on saying it:

Rankings don’t mean a lick if you don’t get the click! That basically means that if you’re not writing first for your audience, you won’t convert. And no conversions mean you’re outta business.

The Future of Content Creation

AI is still in its infancy. Writers are still needed. Here’s a prime example to prove it … below is a clip from an AI-text generator. Can you spot the issue?

The rise of AI text generators is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect AI to play an even more significant role in content creation. This could include personalized content generation, interactive and adaptive content, and more advanced tools that can mimic specific writing styles and tones.

The rise of AI text generators is a testament to the incredible potential of AI in the realm of content creation. While there are challenges to navigate, the benefits of increased efficiency, accessibility, and SEO optimization make AI text generators a valuable asset for content creators.

“Redundant and repetitive!” said the New York Times.

(Yes, I stole that from Will & Grace.)

I tried to build a meme using AI, but this is what I got ? I guess the image generators aren’t quite up to par yet!

about avada business

Integer euismod lacus magna uisque curd metus luctus vitae pharet auctor mattis semat.

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